Note on the report about construction works on Avenida Liberdade in Belém

The Extraordinary Secretariat for COP30, linked to the Office of the Chief of Staff (Casa Civil) of the Presidency of Brasil, clarifies that the construction work for the Avenida Liberdade highway in Belém, Pará, which is the focus of the report titled “Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit” (translated into Portuguese as “A estrada construída para a COP30 em Belém que vai desmatar a Amazônia”), produced by the British news agency BBC and published in several Brazilian media outlets, is not under the responsibility of the federal government nor is it part of the 33 infrastructure projects planned for COP30 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference) to be held in November of this year. 

We emphasize that the headline of the news story, in both English and Portuguese, misinforms readers by misleadingly suggesting a connection between the construction project and the federal government's actions in preparing for the Conference, which will leave a legacy for the city's population.